Thursday, March 1, 2007

Rude behaviour

In Thailand there are a few Do's and Dont's. The beginning may seem boring but it gets better.

Never point at images of the Royal Family or Buddha.

Always respect your elders even if your 70 and they are older, and those in high official positions.

Always remove your shoes before entering someones home or a Temple, even some local village shops, now you know why so many people wear flip flops!

Never point with your feet or sit with your feet pointing at people, and never never never at an image of Buddha, they are considered the worst, most dirty part of the body. Strange how there are so many places to get a foot massage.

Never touch males on the head, it is considered the height of rudeness as this is akin to stealing their positive energy, especially in children.

Keep yourself covered up apart from on the beach, cities are not the place for topless men (or women) never enter a temple in shorts or sleeveless tops.

Do not be affectionate in public, really not the thing to do.

When using a tooth pick cover your mouth.

However it is not frowned upon to pick your nose or blow snot onto the street. Told you it got better.


Anonymous said...

hiya luv
you forgot one more - the lack of wearing a top (Tshirt shirt or whatever) when walking aorund chiang mai - it is considered VERY rude - and to be honest 90 per cent of those who do this - certainly should cover up their ugly bodies.
this is not a beach town.

Gareth's world travels said...

Thanks I forgot that one, will up date it although people can read the comment.
I am sure there are a few others so will add them as i think of them....