Monday, April 2, 2007

The Big Move

Well folks, the big day has come and gone and i have said a final good bye to my home in Mae Rim.
I am now ensconced in my new home which sits on 2 fabulous Rai of land on the river bank in Chiang Mai. I now have the most gadget laden high tech cow shed in the world, but the gardens and views are precious.

The dogs, never having been with others, are now happily staking their turf with the other 6 dogs on the land, and yesterday their first day found them completely exhausted by the experience.

The move went pretty much without hitch taking 10 pick up loads and a lot of help from friends to accomplish, but we moved a 3 bedroom bungalow's worth and the huge gardens worth of potted plants and water features in 9 hours, not bad since it is about an hour and a half round trip from there to here.

I have been made more than welcome by my friends whose house then land sits on and i feel quite privileged to have such good Thai friends.

A word of warning to anyone renting in Thailand, your returnable deposit may not be quite that and may be very difficult to get back, especially if like me your landlord is a jumped up Colonel in the army, luckily for me an unfortunately for him i can trump his Colonel with a General, a friend of mine whom i cm going to have to call on to get my money back. The Colonel having gone over the figures with me in November and again in February seems to think he needs to check them again before returning my deposit. He originally promised me it today and now reckons the 17th April, not much use to me sine i will be in the UK. I think he has no money and is trying to wriggle out of it, but I spoke to the my friend the General yesterday and he has said he will sort it upon his return to Chiang Mai this week. I do however feel if i did not know the General it would be a case of kiss it goodbye.
More to follow but have so much to do in the cow shed.

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